In this episode, you will discover that setting goals is not as complicated as some would have you think. The complexity of how it’s often delivered has had it’s impact on me. I’m not fully there yet in my recovery, but I’m not where I used to be. I’m a whole lot better at this than in the past.

What I’ve found out setting goals the easy wayis that everyone who sets themselves up as a goal setting guru or expert, think their method is better than the next guy. I believe most of them have some merit and if implemented, could get you the results claimed.

However, what I find that is missing, is that the person who have figured out what works and doesn’t work, is pitching you what works for them – their personality. This does not mean it is going to work for you. Somehow, they would have you believe that if you only do as they prescribe, you will master goal setting as they have.


You are not them. Your personality may be totally different than theirs. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not suggesting that it is not possible. What I’m suggesting is that it will only work for you if your personality is akin to theirs.

I know my personality. I’m not the administrative type. Therefore, the managing of the minutiae (to me) is not my strength. I have to play my strength. This would make it difficult for me to follow the plan, most of them outline.

I’m experimenting with a simple plan. I outline 6-7 steps that would be needed to complete a simple goal – taking a shower. As you listen, it would be interesting to hear your take on this. Is it too simplistic? Would this work for you? Leave your comment below.

Here’s the steps I outlined in accomplishing a simple goal of taking a shower:


  1. Get undressed
  2. Turn on the cold and hot water (*see below if you don’t have a shower)
  3. Balance the temperature where it is just right for you
  4. Flip the lever so the water flows through shower head
  5. Get your body wet
  6. Lather (soap) your body
  7. Wash off the later
  8. Turn off the cold and hot water
  9. Dry off
  10. Get dressed

Not having a shower:

  1. Boil water or put a bucket of water outside in the sun and get it heated
  2. Pour in a container that you will be using for showering
  3. Go to #5 above and continue through #8

What if you were to follow that outline in any goal that you are thinking about and breaking it down in similar steps.



My new book: The Midlifepreneur: Make Your Dreams Come True Without Risking Everything” is now available on Amazon both in the Kindle Version and Print Version.


Quote Of The Week: 


Books mentioned:  

A Happier Living That Lasts More Than A Dayby Kingsley Grant


Book Recommendation:

The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Ph D Gay Hendrick

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter


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