So many people use the word success as if it a one-size-fits-all word.
What’s success to one person is generally not what it is to another.
We need to stop comparing ourselves with others based upon what we perceive as success.
Most times we come to these conclusions based on what we see on the outside. It’s what “they” whoever “they” are, want us to see, hear or read.
When you do such, you’ll lose sight of your own dreams and goals. Actually, you’ll end up losing sight of who you are.
Your story holds the key to your story if you could only find a way to frame it to work for you.
Your story will do one of two things: work against you or for you.
Unfortunately, most people look at their story and miss the diamonds that could be mined from it, which is where your success will come from.
Look around and listen to people whom you regard as successful and see how they’ve used their story to propel them to where they are.
But they had to find a way to retell their story so it worked for them.
Take Oprah as one example. If you know her early childhood experience, you can make the connection how she used it to her advantage.
Sir. Richard Branson is another one who found his voice in his story and made it work for him
I could go on and on, but you get the point.
The problem is that most people don’t know how to script their story to their advantage.
This is one of the areas that many have told me that I’m good at. When we’ve worked together and they see how their story was holding them back, it was game on for them.
The key to your story holding the key to your success is to be able to mine the fields of your life and find the diamonds.
To do so, you need a framework.
That’s what I’ve developed to make it simpler for those whose story has kept them stuck in life. All they are able to do is look out the window of their heart and only see others successfully living their story and wondering if they could ever do that.
Is that you? Well here is your answer:
Yes, you can and this is not a slogan. It is a reality. The S.M.O.O.T.H.E FRAMEWORK is what you need.
Want to know more?
Connect with me and I’ll tell you how.