I showed up at the gym expecting to see a buzzing crowd of people but the absence of so many surprised me. I’m not sure why I had this expectation so early in the year.
I figured that if people are going to do what they almost always do when it comes to physical fitness, they would be there starting at least on the second day of the year.
It is understood that the first day would be a bust seeing that some people are still trying to recover from their New Year’s Eve night of partying.
I for one did not even attempt to go to the gym on New Year’s day. I was trying to recover myself. I find it is not as easy as when I was much younger. My, how things have changed. 😃
Anyway, I took advantage of the absence of the crowd. I was able to choose whatever machine I wanted to work out on. Yay!
Let me ask you: were you one of those who stayed away from the gym? Is physical fitness one of your New Year’s goal?
Losing 10 lbs this year is one of mine. I’m thinking of doing a green smoothie cleanse along with my wife for the second time. It would be a 10-day challenge. The first time around I lost 10 lbs in 10 days.
So much for that.
My point of this post is to encourage you not to be one of those who do not show up to pursue your goal(s) this year. It’s so easy for that to happen. All you need to do is to miss one day, which then becomes two, then three …
… showing up is more than half the battle.
I have learned one thing. As Woody Allen says, ‘Showing up is 80 percent of life.’ Sometimes it’s easier to hide home in bed. I’ve done both. I’ve found the former lead to more success.
So how will you show up this year? Will you show up as Les Brown often says, H-U-N-G-R-Y? Will you show up filled-up? Will you show up enthusiastic? Will you show up with optimism?
How will you show up?
You get to decide.
I hope you’ll decide to show up hungry, filled-up, enthusiastic and with optimism.
But the only way to do that is to have a plan. Your plan must be made up of the mini-tasks that will ultimately take you to your overall goal.
Why not join a group of people who have a goal of doing something they love and making money doing so, on the side? Join HERE and listen to what they are doing, saying and hoping for. Be among like-minded people. That’s one of the easiest things you can do for your success.