How often have you heard someone saying that you need to have a WHY in life? When you hear that, what do you think?
What I sometimes hear is that “I better go find my why?” Or the tune to the old Veggie Tales song “Where is my toothbrush. Oh, where is my toothbrush.”
I hear this statement through the Veggie Tale filter: “Where is my why? Oh, where is my why” I’m also hearing “for me to do anything of significance in life I better have a why because the experts tell me I need it!”
Do any of these responses sound familiar?
Do you even know where to start in this quest?
I Have Been Guilty
I too have said that to so many people. What I’ve simply done like so many others before me and who will come after me is regurgitate something that I have no idea what it means.
Before I share what I mean by saying “you better have more than a why” I must hasten to say that I’m not discounting this idea of operating from your why.
Heck, people smarter than me have written about this matter and have gained worldwide fame. Who am I so to say otherwise? Take Simon Sinek as an example. This dude has written the “bible” on it. He is the God of the WHY.
Challenge the Status Quo
But should I just accept everything the experts say?
That’s one of our problems: we don’t challenge ideas and long-standing beliefs because the “experts” have spoken.
Ok. Enough about that. And again, I’m not challenging the Simon Sinek’s of this world. But I do believe you need more than a WHY to have a significant impact in life or to simply stay focused and productive.
It’s Starts Here
So, what do you and I need?
After all this, here it is in one word: A MISSION!
Really? Is that it? All this build up for that? Are you kidding me?
These might be your responses.
Now you’re asking, what is a mission?
Glad you asked.
Your mission is your why with legs.
You can have all the WHY you want. But if you don’t have legs to put to it, then what good is it?
In the Rapid Change S.M.O.O.T.H Framework, I’ve developed, I teach this concept on how to establish your mission. I call it, “Mapping Your Mission.” It’s all about creating the legs for your why.
No Comparison Needed
Everyone’s legs look different. Take a look at your physical leg and compare. Don’t you see things on other people’s legs you wish you had?
Let’s not get off into that. Haha.
But the point is made. As it’s true that your legs carrying your physical body look different than others, so it is with your mission–your legs.
Here’s the thing: this applies to you as well as it does to a business.
If you want to know more about establishing your mission, reach out to me. I can help you with that whether in your business or in your life.
NOTE: It’s not everyone I work with on establishing their mission—their legs behind their why. It’s only with people who want to be more focused and productive in their lives or business.
Is that you? Let me hear from you.