So many leaders fail at motivating their team to get the results they are looking for. One of the main reasons for that is the way they go about doing so.

As discussed in this article, a simple smile goes a far way. It serves as a form of motivation. It says you are friendly, warm and open. People are drawn to someone who projects these traits through a smile and perceives them as trustworthy.

In addition to that, having the right attitude towards your people will generate motivation. The attitude that is lacking in many workplaces is that of gratitude and appreciation.

So many leaders do not see their people as being there for them. They see or think the opposite; they are there for the people.


One of the ways leaders can change this form of thinking and motivate their people to do more, is reminding themselves that they are there to serve their people.

Servant leadership is what’s greatly needed in many workplaces.


My Mentor and the greatest leader of all times – Jesus Christ – says this: Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” He not only said it but modeled it as well. No one would argue about his leadership ability.

I believe that leaders who want to serve in this manner, motivate their people to do more, and keep their best talent can do so with a shift in mindset. To help them with that, I suggest that they make a sign with these words: “Treat them with respect, gratitude, and appreciation … they CHOSE to work here!” They should then place it in an area where they must see it everytime they leave their office.


The church I attend has a sign prominently placed where it’s hard to miss when you walk out of the building and head to your car. The sign reads: You Are Entering The Mission Field.” It reminds you that you now have an obligation to take what you’ve learned and put it into practice within your sphere of influence. It serves as a powerful reminder.

So it is for leaders to have this reminder everytime they leave their office. It should be mandatory that all leaders are made to display a sign like this where they see it daily.


This is one of the areas that is covered in my Emotelligence Leadership Training.

If this is an area that you need help in, let me know. There are other tools and strategies that I use to help my clients and it’s also a part of some of the presentations that I give to groups. If you know of a group that could use my service, please let me know. You can see some short videos of me speaking HERE.

Remember, I’m here to help you Succeed Where Others Have Failed! So reach out today!

If you are interested in being coached in this area or have me consult with or present to a group that you are a part of or know a group that could benefit from this kind of teaching, reach out to me and let me know.

In the meantime, leave a comment below to share your thoughts with us.


Kingsley Grant is a National & International Motivational Speaker, Consultant, Licensed Psychotherapist, Leadership Coach, Online Radio Podcaster, and Best Selling Author. He focuses on helping Leaders Succeed Where Others Failed through his presentations and as a coach. Kingsley is a contributing writer for the Huffington Post, Addicted 2 Success, Thrive Global and The Goodmen Project. He is a proud dad, husband, a man of faith and an entrepreneur at heart. He is the President of Helping Families Improve Inc a company that focuses on improving communication within relationships.

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