When you begin 2018 the way you ended 2017, is called insanity in my book. Why would you want to continue what’s not working?

On the other hand, if what you did worked, keep doing it.

But for those like me who have not finished the way we were anticipating, change is necessary.

Because I don’t want to begin 2018 the way 2017 ended where I felt like there were a lot of hits and misses, I had to make a change. As you have heard the saying, “doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is called insanity.”

To prevent that from happening you and I must do something differently.

Here’s what I’ve done so far…

I sat down at my computer and opened a Google Doc. I listed as many goals as I could quickly type on the Google Doc. These goals were financial, content creation and upcoming events.

You should use whatever you are most comfortable with. I think I’ll eventually transfer what I’m working on into my journal book. It will be in one place.

As much as I use technology and I must say that I’m pretty savvy with online tools, there’s something about writing on paper. Is that true for you as well? Do you still carry around a bounded paper time-management organizer? Daytimer probably? HaHa. This is dating me. Let’s move on. Enough of that. 😃


As I typed, I resisted the temptation to edit as I went. Some of what I wrote seems scary and almost beyond me. But I put it on the Doc anyway.

This is not the time to critique yourself and allow your self-limiting belief to rob you of the moment. This is the moment to dream and to dream big.

You’ll have an opportunity to take another pass through the list and then begin to edit. But don’t allow the argument in your head of being realistic get in your way and damper your spirit.

I like what Will Smith said about being realistic: “Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.” BTW: Here’s a YouTube clip of him actually saying it. It is less than 2 minutes so it won’t take much time to watch.

Will Smith’s YouTube Clip: https://youtu.be/VBU3qybhTPs

So don’t let that argument beat you down where you start off with mediocre thinking. It’s not hard to hit mediocrity.


Here are the categories of goals that I’m setting for myself to accomplish by the end of 2018:

  • Physical … I will lose another 10 lbs
  • Intellectual … read at least 24 books
  • Spiritual … get even closer to God and be more involved in helping others grow spiritually
  • Professional Growth …  
    • attend 2 major conferences
    • take 3 courses online/offline
    • listen to audios of some of the top influencers of our times
  • Financial … I won’t share that here. It should look different for everyone. I can say this: Mine is scary 😃
  • My events
    • At least 3 live workshops
    • At least 6 online webinars

This is just to give you an idea of what I’m doing and hopefully spur you to do something similar.


Here’s the thing: Goal setting is not easy for everyone. It’s one thing to talk about all the various methods available and the importance of it but it’s another to actually do it. I know from personal experience.

So, if you are struggling with this and would like some coaching around this idea, connect with me today. We will set up a call and explain more the process and your investment.

If you want to do this as part of a group, then go this page ==> www.startabusinessonlinefromhome.com/ceo and arrange a call with me so that we can see if this is for you.

Full disclosure: the above link is ONLY for people who want to start a side business this year and need help doing so. Setting goals will be one component of the coaching.


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