Wait a minute now!

Are you advocating more narcissism than we already have in some leaders? This is so egotistical. Why would a leader want to have his/her people sing their praise?

Hold your horses, my friend. Don’t get overheated and blow your gasket. [smile]

When a leader is having his or her people sing their praise, it means one thing and that is what you’ll discover by listening to this episode.

There is also a surprising offer made towards the end that you will be singing my praise after hearing it. At least, I hope so. [smile again]

The book mentioned, The Emotelligent Leader is now available on Amazon. Here is the link to the book: https://amzn.to/2PFY0MH

Please share this episode with one other person and leave a comment on the platform through which you listen to this show and/or on social media. Thanks so much.

And remember, you are ONE SKILL AWAY…

P.S. The new Facebook Group is opened for leaders who want to succeed where others failed and become the leader everyone loves and wants to follow. Here’s the link: facebook.com/groups/emotelligentleaders

P.P.S. GET YOUR FREE COPY!!! The Emotelligent Leader is now available for FREE!. Here is where to secure your very own copy: https://kingsleygrant.com/freeleadershipbook

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