Having a more successful year is a choice that you will make. This may sound as if it all depends on you. To a point, it does. Let me explain.
How would you describe your year last year? Would you say it was a successful year? If you said no, could it be that you just made it up as you went by… You had no set plan as to what the year should look like?
In some ways, that was me.
I had some ideas of what I wanted my year to be like. However as the year unfolded, I find myself asking, “what should I do next?” “What should I work on today?
Do you relate to that?
In this episode, I discuss how to have a more successful year by creating a theme by which to conduct business throughout the year. Everything that you do should revolve around that them.
Here’s my theme for 2015: Produce … productivity … production
Last year – 2014 – even though I didn’t have a set theme, I can easily say that if I was to pick a theme for the year in looking back, it would have to be, consumption.
You may have heard of the 80/20 rule where 20% of what we do, create 80% of the result.
I would say that I spent 80% of my consuming last year. This year, I want to flip the script. I want to spend 80% of my time producing and 20% consuming.
The analogy is use is that of stocking the shelf of a store, until it cannot take anymore, unless room is made available. To do that, it would mean getting rid of what’s already on the shelf.
That is where the produce was derived.
Wit this in mind, I want to ask you this question: Could you see yourself putting together a theme at this point? If so, what would that be?
You can interact with me by leaving a comment at the end of this post. I would love to hear what you’ve come up with. You could also leave a brief message by clicking on the microphone at the right hand of this page.
As you listen, it would be interesting to hear your take on this. Is it too simplistic? Would this work for you? Leave your comment below.
My new book: “The Midlifepreneur: Make Your Dreams Come True Without Risking Everything” is now available on Amazon both in the Kindle Version and Print Version.
Quote Of The Week:
Links Mentioned:
How To Start The Year The SMART Way
Setting Goals That Work For You
Who said you had to be perfect | Krista Jennings
Books mentioned:
A Happier Living That Lasts More Than A Day ~ by Kingsley Grant
Book Recommendation:
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Ph D Gay Hendrick
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter
What To Do Now:
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