Here are 3 questions that I would like you to think about:

  1. How clear are you on what is it you want out of life?
  2. How clear are you on what it is you want to do with your life?
  3. How clear are you on your purpose?

There are other questions that I could ask around clarity but these three will suffice. How did you feel about answering them?

Did you struggle with any of your answers?

I have often struggled with those questions. At times it seems that I’m very clear on them, only to have those moments when doubt creeps in.


It is especially so when my efforts and hard work, doesn’t produce the kind of results I was hoping for. Have that ever happen to you? It’s so frustrating, disappointing and depressing for me.

When things are seemingly moving in the right direction and I’m feeling good about my decisions and choices, suddenly something happens and disrupts my moment.

It deflates me. And now those doubts creep in.


What I’ve found through these moments is that having clarity is so important. It serves as a compass that guides me towards my goals. It gives me confidence.

One of the main things it does for me is helping me be clear on what to ask others for help with.

I came across this quote that helps explain the importance of having clarity. It is by Steve Maraboli. Here’s what he says: “A lack of clarity could put the brakes on any journey to success.”

He describes what if feels like for me. It’s as if someone engages the handbrake of my life and suddenly everything comes to a halt.

What do you do when these things happen?

What I do is take time to “calm my system down.” It’s so important that I give myself some time to think. To pray. To talk to my peers especially those who are on a similar path like mine. Some of them are in my mastermind group. They get me. They understand these moments.

Having gone through my moments and I know I’ll go through more of them, I use the lessons learned and the skills I’ve developed, to help someone like you who realize that you need clarity.

You might not be clear on what you want to do. You have ideas but that’s what they are… ideas. You may have also wondered about why the “brakes?”

Could it be that you lacked clarity?


Clarity is what helps you to disengage the brakes. You know where you want to go and what you want to do, so the brakes coming on doesn’t stop you. Yes, it slows you down but it doesn’t bring everything to a screeching halt.

I cannot tell you how often I’ve been able to use these “stops” as a refueling station instead of a crash-and-burn station. But I was only able to do so, knowing where I was going and why I was headed there. Simply put: I had clarity.

If this is an area that you need help in, let me know. There are other tools and strategies that I use to help my clients and it’s also a part of some of the presentations that I give to groups. If you know of a group that could use my service, please let me know. You can see some short videos of me speaking HERE.

Remember, I’m here to help you Optimize for success! So reach out today!

If you are interested in being coached in this area or have me consult with or present to a group that you are a part of or know a group that could benefit from this kind of teaching, reach out to me and let me know.

In the meantime, leave a comment below to share your thoughts with us.


PS: I’m creating a course for those who want to START A BUSINESS ONLINE FROM HOME on the side for now, but is feeling overwhelmed as to where to start, how to find time to do so, and who to trust. If you relate to any of that, this course is for you and here’s the good news … it has a money back guarantee. You’ll have nothing to lose. Even if you request a reimbursement, you’ll have learned something.


Here’s the link:

Kingsley Grant is a National & International Motivational Speaker, Consultant, Licensed Psychotherapist, Personal Development Coach, Online Radio Podcaster, and Best Selling Author. He focuses on helping aspiring entrepreneurs Cut through The Confusion, Gain Clarity, and Confidently take the next logical step towards their desired goal. Kingsley is a contributing writer for the Huffington Post, Addicted 2 Success, Thrive Global and The Goodmen Project. He is a proud dad, husband, a man of faith and an entrepreneur at heart. He is the President of Helping Families Improve Inc a company that focuses on improving communication within relationships.

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