In this episode you will discover three ways to build influence and thereby position yourself for affluence. Most people focus on the verbal aspect of communication while neglecting the non-verbals. 

If the research on what people remembers holds true, the focus should be on the latter. According to the research, people rBuild Influence and Affluenceemember only 7% of what they hear, and 93% of what they see and how they hear what they did – the tone.

To develop your non-verbal skills, I’ve outlined three ways to do so as you’ll find listed below. If you are able to take time to implement these three methods, you’ll be surprised to see how you will naturally build influence and in turn, your affluence.

The Three Ways To Build Influence & Affluence With Increased Non-Verbal Skills:

1. Become a student of others

* Notice how other people behave in various setting

* Watch their body language, hand gestures, facial expressions to see if their words are congruent with their behavior

* Make mental notes as to what seems contradictory between their verbal and non-verbal communication

2. Get the help of a trustworthy partner

* Give permission to someone that you trust to give you honest feedback on what they see that would indicate a contradiction in your words and your behavior.

* Ask them to point out facial expressions that might be communicating negatively.

* Be receptive and appreciative of the feedback they give you. Do not “shoot” the messenger.

3. Practice. Practice. Practice. 

* Get before a mirror to work on some of the suggestions you received.

* Use voice inflections to soften your tone.

* As much as possible, insert a smile while communicating verbally.



My new book: The Midlifepreneur: Make Your Dreams Come True Without Risking Everything” is now available on Amazon both in the Kindle Version and Print Version.


Quote Of The Week: 

“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it” ~ Steve Maraboli


Books mentioned:  

A Happier Living That Lasts More Than A Dayby Kingsley Grant


Book Recommendation:

Everyone communicates, few connect. What the most effective people do differentlly ~ John Maxwell

The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Ph D Gay Hendrick

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter


Links mentioned:Make Your Dream Come True

Free Chapter “Make Your Dream Come True Without Risking Everything – The Midlifepreneur”


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