It never ceases to amaze me how the skills of great leaders stand out significantly during times of major changes or crises. They have a way of making it happen.

Some leaders tend to focus on the process during times of crisis but fail to focus on the outcome.

“Focusing on process” kind of leadership is one that only sees what’s going on around them. It’s very short-sighted, to say the least. It becomes an either/or for them. They are unable to see a both/and scenario.

The leaders who are able to “focus on the outcome” are those who are looking for a “better tomorrow.” They take into consideration both the “landing” and what happens thereafter.

It’s not that they ignore or deny what’s happening around them, but they are able to do both. They look at “tomorrow” to inform them how they should proceed today.

Not all leaders are skilled and that is why not all leaders are great leaders.

The good news is that leaders who are determined to become great leaders can learn to do this. It is a learned behavior or skill.

In this episode, you will discover the 3 Proven Skills of Great Leaders that they use to lead their people during times of change or crisis and how they can be both process and outcome-focused.

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And remember, you are ONE SKILL AWAY…

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