Have you ever been told or overheard a conversation that went something like this: “You are full of yourself?”
Most times the context of that statement has to do with someone talking about their accomplishments. Some look at it and call it bragging.
Is there a place for bragging?
I didn’t think so. For many years whenever I heard someone bragging about their accomplishments, I went into judgment mode and immediately labeled them as being prideful.
I grew up hearing that talking about yourself and your accomplishment is nothing but pride.
Before I unpack my thought on this, I must say there is some truth to when someone uses their accomplishment to lord it over others in a condescending way. That’s pride.
It grinds on me the wrong way when I see someone behaving like that. Their accomplishments even though significant, looks small to me. They are missing the point of it. It’s not to make you look big while everyone else is seen as small.
Having said that, there is a place for bragging.
For many years I would “humbly” keep my accomplishments to myself. It’s almost like I felt ashamed to talk about them. It’s as if I wasn’t deserving of them even though I worked hard for them.
So many people have this mentality of “not deserving.” They cannot come to terms with their success.
As a matter of fact, some people find ways to sabotage their success. They’ll do something crazy to undermine all they’ve worked so hard for.
Even though I don’t think I’ve done things to undermine or sabotage my success, I have had to work through the “not deserving” mindset.
Imagine with me for a minute:
==> How many people do you know in your close circles is a #1 best selling author?
==> How many people do you know went back to college at 47 years of age to obtain their Master’s Degree?
==> How many people do you know who walk away from a 20+ year career in their early 50s to start a new career or their own business?
==> How many people do you know became the first person in their family to finish college?
I could go on an don’t but I don’t want to “brag.” Haha 😃
What I’ve discovered is that not sharing my accomplishments with others can be a selfish act.
“How so?” you may ask.
Think of it this way.
Someone who is in their 40s or early 50s who are thinking it is too late to do this or that, hearing my story, might be inspired to go after their dream because they see and hear someone who’ve done it.
What if I chose not to “brag” and kept that to myself? Wouldn’t it be selfish on my part to not share with that person who could be encouraged to take a step towards their goal?
Of course, it would be.
I’m partly where I am today because I’ve heard and read stories of people just like me, who have done something similar to what I want to do and did it later in life.
I’m thankful they shared. If I have an opportunity to meet them, I will tell them thanks. I’m glad they bragged.
What about you?
Have you been holding off bragging because you think it is prideful? Is it that you have a “not deserving” mindset?
Whatever your reason, let’s change that today.
I’m giving you permission to start bragging.
Tell others in whatever way you can about your accomplishments only do so within an appropriate context. I’m not suggesting you become the braggadocios person who does it for their own gain. That’s not what I’m saying and I know you know that.
I would love to hear what you have to brag about. Post it somewhere and point me in that direction. Or comment on this post and let me know what you think of it.
If you need help breaking through the mindset that would prevent you from “bragging” let me help you with that. Reach out to me and let me know.
Remember, I’m here to help you Optimize for success!
If you are interested in reading any of my books, you can see them here ==> Kingsley’s Books on Amazon.
If I can help you work through your past, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.