Happy Hour. What is so happy about it? Have you ever stopped to consider what is being suggested by this idea?
Here is a test: take time to look at all the people who are at those gathering.
How many of them look like they are extremely happy? I have made available a happiness checklist that could help you determine your level of happiness.
I must admit there seem to be some level of happiness among some of the people gathered there. However, most of those who are there are trying to find ways to be happy. What is being propagated is that if you have a few alcoholic drinks, you will leave happier than when you came in.
For some people, they are hoping to use this time for relaxation. They have had a very long, difficult and possibly stressed day, so they are hoping to let go some of their stress before going home.
That sounds like a very thoughtful thing. They don’t want to take their stress home with them and then take it out on their family, if their is a family there.
For some, it is for that reason they are at those gatherings; no family to go home to. This become their social hangout before going home to a lonely abode. I can’t be too hard on them for at least not rushing home to be a couch potato. A couch potato is someone who sits or lay on a couch, doing non-productive living such as watching hours of television or playing hours of video games.
Maybe you are not familiar with happy hour. It is normally a few hours between 3 or 4 pm and 6:30 to 7:00 pm. The establishments that normally have this time set aside are bars, restaurants or cafes. Most of what is served during this time is alcohol with some snack food items.
My contention is that if it was indeed a time set aside for happiness, why is it that so many people who take advantage of these hours do not experience long lasting happiness? I do admit that there must be some temporary gain in doing this or there would not be so many business places using this method to attract patrons. It must be successful.
Again, let me be clear: I’m in no way condemning this practice. I know that on occassions my wife and I have taken advantage of this time-frame to have a more cost effective meal and beverages. The great attraction is the reduced price for these items.
So here are a few take aways from the deception of the Happy Hour:
1. There is nothing long-lasting about it.
This is a way for you to be enticed to build a habit around certain feelings and time frame. Once you begin to look forward to the Happy Hour, your body begin to inform you of it’s needs. Its almost as if it knows the time of day. Something fires in your brain that says, “there’s something that you need to attend to.” You have been hooked.
2. People are searching for happiness.
Some of the most successful people in business and in other professional fields, flock to the Happy Hour. Business places know that many of these high achievers have very stressful jobs and prey upon the idea that they are looking for relief at the end of the day. The message is that they deserve to be happy. This is one way to reward themselves. That is the message.
3. The Happy Hour can add more stress and pain, rather than relieve it.
The person who sits at the bar or close by, especially if they are there by themselves, looks around and maybe realize they are the only one who is not laughing or engaging in conversation with other people. This only adds to what they already know: they are losers. That is why some people go to the Happy Hour; it’s to medicate themselves in a social setting. At least, it is done where other people are seemingly doing the same, so it doesn’t hurt as much.
It has to start with some deep and honest conversations with self. This might need to be done with the aid of a Life Coach or in some cases, a Therapist. You can subscribe for your own copy of the Happiness Checklist I’ve made available. It addresses some of these issues. You can also get a copy of my new ebook: 3 Steps To A Happier Living That Lasts More Than A day” here.
What other take away you think I could have added? I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Leave your comment below and let’s continue the conversation.