Do you enjoy going to the office/staff/board meeting?
Do you find yourself tensing up when it’s time to go to a meeting simply because you know it’s gonna be “one of those?”
What if you could change how meetings are conducted or simply get rid of some of them, would you do so?
I’ve had my share of meetings and I can tell you that I didn’t enjoy some of them. Actually, I would sit there wondering, “why am I here?”
Some meetings I’ve been to took up the most productive part of my day and when it was over, I felt like I needed a nap. I was drained not because of putting out much in the meeting, but because I felt trapped.
Try sitting in a place where you have no control over what’s happening and you are just waiting, waiting, waiting around and see how you feel at the end.
Have you ever been called on to do Jury Duty? If you have, you know what I mean.
For those who do not know what this is, it’s where the state calls you to do your civic duty, by being willing to serve as a juror on a case that is going to trial.
I dreaded those.
When I go to one, I bring my computer, books, and whatever else I can use to keep me occupied. It’s an all-day affair to decide if they need you.
Some meetings can be as draining as these juror duty meetings.
So, what do you do?
Elon Musk to the rescue …
… he has some rules that may have you rethink meetings.
If you want to hear an expanded version and some additional thoughts on his rules, listen HERE.
Here then are the 9 of 11 Rules as outlined in
- No large meetings unless they’re of value to the entire audience. Keep them short.
- Don’t have frequent meetings unless the matter is truly urgent. Resolve it; stop meeting.
- If you are not adding value to a meeting, walk out or drop off the call.
- Don’t use acronyms and nonsense words for objects, software, or processes.
- Avoid any terms that require explanation, because they inhibit communication.
- Communicate directly with individuals rather than through a chain of command.
- Any manager enforcing chain-of-command communication will be fired.
- Don’t follow any “company rule” that doesn’t make common sense.
- Ideas that increase productivity or happiness are always welcome.
I expanded on these with some thoughts of my own and my disagreement especially with one of them. You’ll find it HERE.
If you’d like to have me speak at your next event or train your team, please connect with me.
To access your FREE COPY of the book mentioned in this episode of The Kingsley Grant Show, click on this link:
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