Your initial reaction to this title may reflect a misunderstanding of the idea of receiving celebrity treatment. It may seem like that is the main reason for a leader to make an effort to master these emotional intelligence skills.

Far from that.

The treatment is something that is bestowed upon a leader, simply because he or she has led their people so well.

As you listen to this episode you will discover why the clarification and the skills needed to be mastered.

There are 7 skills mentioned in this episode. Part 1 contains the first 7 skills. Part 2 contains an additional five.. Make sure you listen to them in order.

To access your FREE COPY of the book mentioned, click on this link: https://kingsleygrant.com/freeleadershipbook

Please share this episode with one other person and leave a comment on the platform through which you listen to this show and/or on social media. Thanks so much.

And remember, you are ONE SKILL AWAY…

P.S. The new Facebook Group is opened for leaders who want to succeed where others failed and become the leader everyone loves and wants to follow. Here’s the link: http://www.facebook.com/groups/emotelligentleaders

P.P.S. GET YOUR FREE COPY!!! The Emotelligent Leader is now available for FREE!. Here is where to secure your very own copy: https://kingsleygrant.com/freeleadershipbook


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