How many times have you heard or read this statement: “the grass is greener on the other side?”

How many of those times that you’ve heard or read it, has it been stated in a positive manner?

The many times I have heard or read it, it is almost always stated in a sarcastic or a cautionary manner. 

It’s almost always followed up by statements such as: “if you’d water and nurture your grass, it too would be green” or something like that.

Is that so for you as well?

Until recently, I’ve not given any reflective thought to the statement until recently.

Having recently written and published my newest book: The Emotelligent Leader – Succeed Where Others Failed and Become The Leader Everyone Loves and Wants to Follow, I have been able to think about leading myself more in areas that I have not done before.

This realization came from the examination and research of the many articles and books I found that had to do with the topic of leadership and emotional intelligence.

To create my own framework, I had to debunk or dispute some of what I found in the articles and/or books. Some of the inferences made from statistics didn’t jive with me.

In finding other ways of saying and interpreting what I came across, embolden me to no longer just accept the status quo.

Therefore, as I gave thought to the phrase: the grass is greener on the other side and the way it’s almost always discussed, I had to zoom out to see if there was another way of looking at this normally accepted premise and usage.

I expanded more on my thoughts in this episode of The Kingsley Grant Show. You may want to take a listen to hear how others have done something similar.

Leaders who do the following three things when they notice the “grass being greener on the other side,” will become more successful

  1. Be curious
  2. Ask questions
  3. Implement what they’ve learned.

1. Be curious

Leaders should always be curious. This is what allows them to notice how things are being done and compare. This is not a personal comparison looking for how “terrible you are” in comparison to others.

No. It is more about having a growth mindset. It allows you to not get comfortable with where you are in life but to always strive to do and be better. That’s what successful leaders do.

2. Ask Questions

When you notice what others whose “grass is greener” is doing, you ask them how they were able to get their grass that green?

The information shared will help you work on “your grass” to get it as green or greener.

Here is where you have to push pride aside and humble yourself to ask. It’s okay to not know everything. Why not use the knowledge that is ready-made for you?

3. Implement What You Learned

Until you have implemented what you’ve learned, you really haven’t demonstrated that you’ve learned something new.

The success you’ll have in your leadership is based on how much you are able to learn and then implement. Communicate clearly with your team what you’ve learned and “sell” them on the idea, is crucial.

One of the chapters in my book deals exclusively with how leaders ought to be good salespeople. Plus, I covered extensively the skills leaders need to master to be better positioned to “serve” their people and get the most ROI on this exchange.

When leaders are able to step back and take the above-outlined approach to the statement, “the grass is greener on the other side,” they will have a better chance of succeeding in their leadership journey.

To access your FREE COPY of the book mentioned, click on this link: https://kingsleygrant.com/freeleadershipbook

If you would like to connect with me and get to know how we could possibly work together, please do so HERE.

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