Here’s one thing I know to be true: You are least happy when the gap between where you are and where you want to be, is wide and is getting wider. Would you agree with that?

In the earlier part of 2017, I was not happy about what I saw in the mirror. One thing I know is that the mirror doesn’t lie. And if that wasn’t enough, I stepped on the scale and it too made me unhappy.

The crazy thing is that I told myself stories to not take action to do anything about it.

I would say to myself, “I’m not as bad as _________” where the blank could be a friend, family member, or co-worker.

That made me feel a little better and kept me from taking action.

I also realized that I was having to buy clothes a size bigger than before. It was so gradual, that I hardly noticed when it happened.


Then one day, I had to come to terms with the truth. I wasn’t happy with where I was with my weight and how I felt about what the mirror and the scale were telling me.

I had a blueprint in my mind of how I should be looking at this stage of my life. And it wasn’t one that had a gut protruding over my pants and having to cover it over with my clothes.

It hit me the hardest when my wife and I had gone on vacation and I was doing an activity where I had to jump off from a cliff into the water below. I had no shirt on for this activity. And do I need to tell you the rest of the story or leave that to your imagination?

I think I’ll leave it to your imagination. Haha.

Fast forward to about nine months later, and I can tell you one thing: I’m happier today than I was then.



I decided to do something about it.

I did a green smoothie cleanse for 10 days and I commit to going to the gym 5-days per week. I’ve since then lost a little over 20 lbs and I can see my abs. It’s not a 6-pack yet, but boy, does it look better. I have no problem taking off my shirt if I had to and do one of those jumps.

What was the key? It’s two words: DECISION and PROGRESS. I made progress and closed the gap between where I was and where I wanted to be.

You too can do the same.

But you must decide …

… decide to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

… decide to take one action step today that you know is aligned with that goal

… get someone to serve as an accountability partner. Don’t trust yourself 😃


The challenge sometimes is finding that person who won’t judge you and who you can trust. It’s hard to admit to someone what you are struggling with. It is personal. There’s a fear there. I know, I’ve been there.

But we have to decide, what is more important: become happier or unhappier. The choice is ours.

Accountability is one portion of the services I offer as a Coach and Consultant. If you would like me to be that person, then let’s talk. Respond to this email and let me know so we can set up a “30-minute Breakthrough and Action Step” call to see if my services suit you.

PS: If one of your goals is to make extra income on the side by doing what you love, you will want to check this out ===>

Kingsley Grant is a National & International Motivational Speaker, Consultant, Licensed Psychotherapist, Personal Development Coach, Online Radio Podcaster, and Best Selling Author. He focuses on helping aspiring entrepreneurs Cut through The Confusion, Gain Clarity, and Confidently take the next logical step towards their desired goal. Kingsley is a contributing writer for the Huffington Post, Addicted 2 Success, Thrive Global and The Goodmen Project. He is a proud dad, husband, a man of faith and an entrepreneur at heart. He is the President of Helping Families Improve Inc a company that focuses on improving communication within relationships.


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