You may have heard one of the famous quotes of our time: “The journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu
This was and still is, a profound statement.
Everything we accomplish in life are made up of mini parts or in this case, mini steps.
So it is with a million dollars. However, for me, it begins with twenty dollars.
Why twenty dollars and not a single dollar?
How It All Began
Recently, I attended the Florida Speakers Association (FSA), a local chapter of the National Speakers Association, and came away with an idea of making a million dollars.
It’s the story of how I was asked by the keynote Speaker – David Newman – what I want to take away from his keynote prior to the session. I replied: “How To Make A Million Dollars By Tomorrow.”
That was a big order.
However, during his talk, I happen to be chosen to give him $5 in exchange for a cup. I did.
When I opened the cup, in it was a brand new $20 bill.
For me that was a confirmation that I received what I asked for. It was the downpayment to my goal of a million dollars.
Within twenty-four hours, I decided that I’m going to capture this journey. I have come up with the idea that a million dollars is made up of fifty thousand twenty dollar bills.Hence, the idea of, The Journey of a Million Dollars begin with Twenty Dollars.
The Journey Begins
I’ve began the journey on Monday, June 15 2015 (061515).
I know that this is not a small order. I understand it will take a lot of work, energy and hustle. I am not naive to that. With faith in God and having the support of so many people, I know that I will make it happen.
Since I have made this declaration, a few people have reached out to me letting me know that they’re available to assist me in this journey in whatever way they can. Again, this serves as confirmation.
My plan is to share with you as often as possible, how this journey is going. The approach I’m taking is to use Social Media as much as possible to share what I’m doing, solicit paid speaking opportunities, setting up group coaching for men who are in transition and publishing my other books. It’s a simple strategy: keep my eyes and ears open for opportunities.
The Challenge:
My challenge to you is to decide on what it is you want to accomplish it and go after it. Make sure you don’t do it in a vacuum. Let others in to help you or to hold you accountable.
That’s what I’ve done in this public manner.
I would love to hear from you in some way as to your thoughts on this approach. Is it something you think could work for you? Are you willing to try some thing like this?
These are only a few questions that I would like for you to respond to. Let me hear from you today!
Stay tuned and let the journey begin!
I look forward to the updates and hope to celebrate with you sooner than later!
Thanks John. I will keep you updated through this forum and I believe it will be sooner than later.