In this episode I talk about the negative impact stereotyping has on your relationships. By stereotyping I mean, using certain assumptions to interpret the meaning of someone else behavior. I gave some examples of how this is done and what you can do about it.
My new book: “The Midlifepreneur: Make Your Dreams Come True Without Risking Everything” will be released very soon. Subscribe to my email listing and get notified as soon as it is released.
Quote Of The Week:
“Stereotyping is only for those without the imagination to see people as they are instead of being like someone else they understand ~ Tom Clancy.”
In This Particular Episode, you will learn:
1. How to minimize stereotyping
2. The negative impact of stereotyping within your relationship
3. To explore why it is that you might be guilty of stereotyping
Book mentioned:
A Happier Living That Lasts More Than A Day ~ by Kingsley Grant
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Kingsley, what a treat to get to learn from your wisdom!!!
Very true that we all have filters in our life, but have the ability to change them if they are not positive.
Thanks Jen for your thoughts. It is refreshing to hear someone getting what it is to have filters. Thanks for your vote. I truly appreciate it.