Have you ever tried to buy items in a given country using currencies that are not accepted by that particular country? How did that work out for you? How many items were you able to leave with during that exchange?

I would guess you left disgruntled, disappointed, and probably deflated. You had high hopes of taking back that souvenir. You envisioned what you would do with it. And now, you leave empty handed.

What happened? You had a formula mindset. You thought that simply because you had the currency and someone had the goods, all you need to do is make an exchange.


A formula mindset says if it works in one place it should work in all places. There’s no need for adjustments.

Before I continue I must insert this disclaimer: there are situations that require formulas, which is true for all times, all places and all peoples. One plus one will always equal two. I think this is true universally. You can check me on that.

Getting back to the point at hand, a framework mindset makes room for the necessary and appropriate adjustments to the presenting situation at hand.

The above-mentioned example may be a stretch because I’m not sure if anyone would think that way about the use of non-native currency. But I hope it made the point.


Far too many people approach Life with the formula mindset. They give up easily. Once they are met with some kind of resistance, they see it as a sign that they should no longer continue with what they were pursuing.

The thought is that it must not be for them and even that God must not want it for them.

There are times when that might be true. I’ve followed that principle where I will say what’s for me is for me no matter what. Have you ever said or heard that?

This thinking has hindered me at times from pursuing something that I had my eyes and heart on.

But how do we or will we know?


I’m not sure if there is some kind of litmus test that can be used to determine such. One thing I do know is that such a mindset can cause me and you to give up prematurely.

How often have we listened to the experts or so-called experts and took what they said as the Gospel? They have found the formula they say, that will ensure your success. It will do what it did for them.

And then you try it and it didn’t happen the way you understood it.

What happened?

Did the formula work? Yes, it did … For them.

I have spent thousands of dollars buying other people’s formulas via books, audios, videos, coaching, training and so on. Many of them I’m still waiting for the ROI (Return On Investment.)

I’m not the only one. I would dare say you have as well.

You might be saying “What should I do? How will I know the difference?”

Great question.


Here’s s simple rule of thumb. Whenever you hear words such as “this is how you do it” or “you just have to…” Or “just substitute your name here” or anything close to those phrases, you are hearing a formula. R.U.N. Don’t walk. RUN!

On the other hand, if someone says I’m providing you with a framework, yes using the word framework, you should take a second or even a third look.

Look at how what they are offering to provide you with the “shell” that you use to put your “parts” into.

Think of a car. Imagine someone gave you the shell of a car and gave you the luxury of putting your own touches to it. You’ll end up with a car but you’ve made it suit your needs.

That’s how a framework should work. That’s what you need.

This way of thinking became revolutionary for me a few years ago when I joined an online training — Internet Business Mastery Academy. They provided us with a framework on how to do online business. That has not left me. Thanks, Jeremy Frandsen and Jason VanOrden.


Now when I coach, consult or train, I”m thinking framework. I’ve developed my own — The Rapid Change SMOOTH Framework which helps people to quickly gain clarity and take their first next step with confidence.

If you’d like to know more, reach out to me for a consult. But ONLY if you desire to make changes in your life so that you can BE and DO YOur Best!

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