We live in a time where more and more people are going under the knife or injecting more and more Botox in an
attempt to look younger, remove as much evidence of aging as possible and granted, to feel good about themselves.

Unfortunately as we have seen and heard, not all such attempts have been successful. Some have proved to be detrimental. Others have made matters worst. However, many have had results that they are very satisfied with.
The word facelift which has somehow become synonymous to the human face, is also used for other situations as well.
I’ve heard people say that they are giving their house a facelift by painting, re-stuccoing or changing windows to more modern looking types.
I’ve also heard the word being used in regards to an upgrade in landscaping.
You could substitute the word upgrade with facelift and pretty much mean the same thing, but who is going to say they are getting an upgrade on their face. Would you? I wouldn’t.
I do believe there are times when both words could be proudly used. One of those instances has to do with a Website.
This brings me to the reason I title this blogpost: Doing a facelift is not always about looking younger.
My website has gone through a facelift or an upgrade of sorts. You may not realize this if you have not been to my site before or you weren’t paying close attention.
This is quite normal for websites. Most people do this on a continuous basis.
They may do it to:
- Give their website a more modern feel.
- Make their website more mobile friendly seeing that majority of people use their mobile devices to access the internet.
- Upgrade the speed of accessing their website
These are just three reasons. There are many other reasons as well.
The reason not mentioned, is the one that I believe is most important.
You can have a modern looking website. You can have a blazing fast website. You can have a user and mobile friendly website, but if you don’t have good content, it is all in vain.
People are not coming to your website to see how fast it runs or how modern looking it is or how user and mobile friendly it is. They are coming for one reason only and that is what is there that would make their lives better. It’s the old saying: WIFM – what’s in it for me?
Recognizing that, I too realized that not only do I needed to upgrade my website for all the above reasons, but to provide quality and helpful content.
But here’s the problem: I wasn’t clear on the content that I wanted to provide. I have ideas that I could share but what was missing for me was a cohesive and overarching message.
This is the life of anyone who is a content creator. You will go through several iterations of your business ideas. You will only know this by starting somewhere.
Having gone through several “face lifts” over the years, I believe that I’ve finally settled in on what it is I’ve been trying to do, even though in a scattered way.
From this point on, you will see an overarching message seeping through my posts.
I will be focusing on the over 40 crowd who are in the process of changing careers. Some within the industry they currently find themselves but it will mostly be for those who want to pursue a career that aligns with who they are.
The three main areas of focus will be on those who are thinking of pursuing a career change as a Professional Speaker, Life Coach or as a Published Author.
You will see most of my posts and podcast episodes addressing these careers.
Be on the lookout for topics covering:
- Creating products and content for the speaker, coach and author
- Promoting products and content for the speaker, coach and author
- Monetizing products and content for the speaker, coach and author
- The business of speaking, coaching and writing
These topics will be covered over the next several months both in audio though Smooth Career Change Podcast as well as here on this blog.
I hope this facelift is one that you would agree worked out well and that you would share this post with one other person. I would appreciate such kindness. If you can help me make this facelift even more successful, please leave me a comment.
Oh, and by the way, if you are over 40 and is in career change mode, please join the growing community of other like-minded folks (I call them World Changers) in a private Facebook group. The group is called Career Change Made Easy.
See you there.

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Career Transition Coach
Keynote Speaker /
Corporate Trainer
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