I am currently reading a book written by a friend of mine—Andres Valdes, entitled: Leader By Choice: 7 Decisions That Spark Your Purpose, Passion, and Perseverance.

It has proven so far to be a good read.

In one of his chapters, he quotes his business coach who said these words to him: “Each next level of your life is going to require a different you.”

I agree wholeheartedly with that statement.

I have seen how for each level of my life so far, I’ve had to do what’s necessary to get there. Some of what I’ve done wasn’t easy. It was downright hard.

I’m realizing that those who have made it to the top, whatever the top is for them, are few and far in-between. I’ve often wondered at times why the supposedly 1% are doing so well in life and the supposedly 99% struggles so much. Hmmm 🤔.

Some people are happy when those people are attacked and labeled as greedy and out-of-touch and should have some of what they have taken away from them and given to others.

They are ridiculed and in some cases hated. Hmmm. I wonder why …

… I think many people are unwilling to put in the work and do what it takes to make it to the “top.” It’s not easy. It’s hard work and most of that work has to be on self-development.


One has to develop the kind of mindset that doesn’t allow those things to get through to them. They have to develop tough skin while having a soft heart. I know not all have done it that way. Some have developed a tough skin and tough heart and I’m not judging them. It is what helps them survive.

People like that become an easy target. It’s no wonder the percentage is so small.

Here’s the thing: Most of us wish it was us. We wish we were financially independent as they are. We wish we could have the time freedom to do what we want when we want where we want, and so on.


We can wish all we want. It’s gonna take more than wishing…

… it’s gonna require that we make hard decisions on friendships, leisure activities, spending, investing in ourselves, learning, etc.

I’m committed to that. I’ve made a decision to go to the next level from where I’m at. I might not make it to the 1% even though compared to most of the world, you and I are already there, but I’m not going to settle.


If you want to go to the next level, what are you willing to do? Or should I say, what are you going to do or is currently doing?

It’s good to see some people are thinking like I am and are making the necessary moves to go to their next level …  

… I know this from coaching them.

If you are feeling dissatisfied with where you are and want to take your life to the next level, then A DIFFERENT YOU is required.

But here’s the catch: You cannot produce a different you by yourself. Why? You won’t know what it looks like. You need to get the feedback from others whether it’s through coaching or mentoring to make it a reality.

That’s what my author friend—Andres did. He HIRED A BUSINESS COACH.

If you would like to get on my coaching list, CONNECT WITH ME I’ll send you a link for us to have a 30-minute Breakthrough Discovery Call to see if what I have to offer, works for you.

Don’t procrastinate. Do so today!

PS: If one of your goals is to make extra income on the side, you will want to check this out ===>

Kingsley Grant is a National & International Motivational Speaker, Consultant, Licensed Psychotherapist, Personal Development Coach, Online Radio Podcaster, and Best Selling Author. He focuses on helping aspiring entrepreneurs Cut through The Confusion, Gain Clarity, and Confidently take the next logical step towards their desired goal. Kingsley is a contributing writer for the Huffington Post, Addicted 2 Success, Thrive Global and The Goodmen Project. He is a proud dad, husband, a man of faith and an entrepreneur at heart. He is the President of Helping Families Improve Inc a company that focuses on improving communication within relationships.

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