Bronnie Ware, an Australian palliative nurse, wrote a book entitled “Top Five Regrets Of The Dying.”  She did so after she had written an article with the same title and saw the overwhelming interaction from regrepeople all over the world.

What was it about this article that captured the attention of so many?

I believe it was the fact that there is within all of us a desire to live out our dream but for one reason or another, we are not doing so. Hearing others at the end of their life describe their regrets, does get our attention. At least it gets mine.

Before I go any further, let me preface by saying this article could be seen as morbid and maybe it is. Most of us don’t want to think of the end of our lives. However that is the very reason, most people get to the end of their lives with major regrets. They didn’t take time to think of today in light of tomorrow.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, speaker and sales professional, you cannot afford to do like most people. You need to have this finish line on your radar. It is one of the most important catalyst that moves you to live out your dream now, while you still can. It creates an urgency in the moment. I know it does for me.

Here are the top five regrets of the dying according to the Author – Bronnie Ware. I wish:

  1. I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me 
  2. I hadn’t worked so hard
  3. I’d had the courage to express my feelings
  4. I had stayed in touch with my friends
  5. I had let myself be happier

When I read through this list, I barely make it past the first regret before thinking about my own life. Do I want to be saying the same thing? The answer for me is a resounding no. I hope it is for you as well.

The question is, how do you and I make sure we are not having a similar regret?

I’m not sure what it is for you but for me, I know that I have to do somethings that may not make sense to some people. Some of the way that I have decided to do so are outlined in a recent podcast that can be found here. I believe it is worth listening to.

The point of this is, if you and I are going to be successful in life and not have our name associated with these regrets, we have to do something different than we are doing currently. You might be already on your path and if so, I applaud you.

My main passion in life is to take my message – Living Beyond Regrets and ReStorying For Success to the masses. This I do as a Professional Keynote Speaker and Presenter, Life Coach and Author. As of this writing, I’m on my journey and hope to be well into doing so, within the next few months. I must get this out of me so that I don’t end up with similar regrets.

How about you?

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If I can be of help as we journey together, make sure you reach out to me.

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