In this episode you will discover how to be more empathetic and how valuable this skill is to your personal and professional relationship. You will also realize that this is one of the most important skill to master. It can make the difference between a mediocre and a successful relationship. One of the questions you will wrestle with is, can empathy be developed. Is it a learned behavior? 


How to be more empatheticAnnouncements:

My new book: The Midlifepreneur: Make Your Dreams Come True Without Risking Everything” will be released during the month of October 2014. Subscribe to my email listing and get notified as soon as it is released.


Quote Of The Week: 

“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” ― Theodore Roosevelt


In This Particular Episode, You Will Discover:

1. What is the meaning of Empathy and is a Nature or Nurture

2. How To Develop The skill of being empathetic

3. The meaning of C.O.R.E and how it relates with getting the relationship you want

Book mentioned:  

A Happier Living That Lasts More Than A Dayby Kingsley Grant

Links mentioned:

Toastmasters International

Discover How To Be Patient In Your Relationship [Episode 002]

How The Blame Game Ruin Relationships [Episode 005]

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