The holidays are here. For many of us that means….the crazy in-laws are coming.

You know what we mean by crazy…


  • Photo courtesy of Brittney Bush Bollay under Flickr Creative CommonsThere is that one in-law that drives you crazy. He’s always finding ways to criticize what you do. When he have had a few drinks and sometimes even without a few drinks, he becomes obnoxious and crude.
  • Then there is the other crazy in-law whose conversations tend to veer towards religion and politics and when it does, she becomes even more obnoxiously opinionated. Lets just say she wasn’t given the gift of sensitivity…when that was being handed out, she was out of the room.
  • How about the in-law that tries to bully others by getting really loud. This becomes very uncomfortable for you. You want to do something about it, but you aren’t sure what to do. In the past when you’ve tried, it only got worse.

Join Kingsley Grant (aka The ReStorying Guy) and Jen McDonough (aka The Iron Jen) for a free live teleconference that will give you some simple techniques anyone can use to help them survive their crazy in-laws.


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Yes, sign me up for the 12/22/14 9pm CST Or 12/23 @ 9am CST

Surviving the Crazy In-Law Teleseminar



After hitting the submit button, check your email for a confirmation email (if not there, check your spam email). Once you have confirm your email, you will receive a email with the call in details.

Can’t make the live event? NO worries…still sign up for the event and we will send you the replay.


As a special bonus, anyone who registers for this tele seminar before 9:59am CST on 12/22/14 will be eligible to win a FREE Deluxe Survive the Crazy In-Law Toolkit that we will be giving away at the end of the call.

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