While at the gym this morning, I was thinking that confidence is overrated. Yes, I work my body and my mind at the same time. This is the only time I can say that I can truly multi-task. Caution: Don’t try this at home. 😃
As I thought about the word confidence I had a moment where it “hit” me: Could confidence be an overrated and over-used word? Could it be the very thing that keeps us back from moving forward?
Let’s think about this for a minute. Please follow my premise and possible persuasive presentation.
You, like I, have heard for more times than we can count and remember, that we need to have what? Fill in the blank: ______________
If you said CONFIDENCE, you are correct.
Sometimes we are told that we DON’T have enough confidence and that’s why something didn’t happen as we had planned or hoped for. Confidence is the culprit. We can just blame confidence.
Poooooorrrrr confidence.
If confidence was a person, it’s self-esteem would be demolished. 😃
What is being implied when we hear statements alluding to a lack of confidence, our minds goes on a search wondering how to gain more or how to find it.
It’s as if confidence is playing hide and seek with us and we need to go and look for it and when we don’t find it, we simply need to look harder.
Is it any wonder so many people aren’t doing what they are supposed to do—probably including you—because their belief is they need to have confidence or more of it and until that happens, stay put.
Could it be that we’ve been sold a bill-of-goods?
What if the word never existed and I would imagine that there was a time that it wasn’t? I haven’t yet done the research on that to see when it “arrived” on the scene. If you have some research or want to do that, be my guest and share the results with me so I can share with others as well.
If it never existed I would imagine that people would simply take action. They would be told that all they need to do is decide what they want to do and look at what the first next step would be and then, take action.
Could it be that instead of waiting for or looking for or trying to develop more confidence, you simply trust—have faith—and take action? I believe you would be much farther ahead than you are right now. Wouldn’t you agree?
I believe FAITH is what you need to exercise more so than confidence. I see FAITH as simply having a strong belief–a trust in ___________ and you can fill in the blank the way you want.
For me it is GOD.
If I truly have faith, then why wouldn’t I do what I have my mind and heart set on doing?
The word CONFIDENCE has this word in it: CONFIDE!
This simply means, who or what are you confiding in? Make sure it’s not yourself.
That’s where the problem lies. We place too much emphasis on looking within for this elusive THING called CONFIDENCE. Is it any wonder we are coming up short time and time again?
These are thoughts that are being developed in my mind and I’m sharing them with you as they do.
I’m going to place more emphasis on FAITH than on CONFIDENCE and see what happens.
I’d like to invite you to do the same and see what happens. I’d like to hear your thoughts on what I’ve shared with you.
What would be different for you if you were to make this shift? How would your life be different?
If you need some coaching on this and would like my help, let me know. I’d be glad to have a “30-minute Confidence Breakthrough Discovery Call” with you and see what happens.