1 on 1 Coaching with Kingsley Grant

Leadership and Relationship Coaching


Be The Leader Nobody Ignores

Leadership Coaching

Most leaders do well with coaching.

“80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more.” (source: ICF 2009).

Here are a few of the many benefits for leadership coaching:

  • Establish and take action towards achieving goals
  • Helps to motivate and empower individuals to excel
  • Contribute more effectively to the team and the organization
  • Take greater responsibility and accountability for actions and commitments
  • Work more easily and productively with others
  • Communicate more effectively

Developmental Coaching

Developmental coaching is about

  • improving skills and knowledge
  • creating frameworks for effective life-work balance
  • developing emotional intelligence skills

It is also about developing and/or enhancing interpersonal skills. This is designed to support a leader in their new or existing role to help teams set the bar for excellence in behaviour.

At an organizational level, coaches can help leaders with the overall successional (advancement) planning process. This will serve as a way of enticing best talents to seek upward mobility and to increase retention. It also helps with the fast-tracking of “rising stars” or those leading transformational change.

Stress Management Coaching

Stress is a huge obstacle to optimal performance and productivity especially in your professional life. It:

  • stops you from thinking clearly
  • lowers your IQ
  • impacts your decision making process; slows it down
  • affects your ability to focus,and to remember things.

And that’s just the impact on your professional life.

What about your personal life? It can be just as debilitating if not more:

  • Sleepless nights that leave you exhausted and reliant on coffee (or worse) to get going each day.
  • Tension headaches and body aches and pains that won’t go away and difficult to diagnose
  • Anxiety
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Appetite issues
  • Bouts of depression

If you have ever experienced any of these symptoms, you don’t need me to convince you that left untreated, it will only get worse.

This treatment is more of a psychological than physical. It may require professional counseling but many of these issues can be corrected through effective coaching.

Just imagine how much happier and calmer you’ll be and how wonderful you’ll feel to be back in control. Imagine how relieved your family will be to see you less stressed, not to mention the people you lead.

Conflict & Risk Management Coaching

Conflict resolution coaching enhances your skills in managing conflict. These skills will help you prevent and resolve conflicts and keep them from escalating.

Coaching to resolve problems or risks is about helping to:

  • prevent career derailment
  • reduce stress or other emotional factors that might get in the way of effective performance
  • reducing conflict between team members
  • resolve issues with company politics.
  • reduce the risk of potential explosive situations within the workplace
  • reduce the risk of losing top performers
  • resolve public relations issues

During the coaching process, the coach can help you think about a conflict differently and explore options for handling it effectively. The purpose of conflict coaching is to leave the manager or other employee able to strategize and implement constructive approaches to conflict.

Some of the positive outcomes you can expect from conflict and/or risk management coaching are:

  • Better relationships among department and team members
  • Increase in team performance and productivity
  • Improvement in team meetings
  • Increase efficiency and effectiveness in day to day operation
  • Increase managerial skill and effectiveness
  • Better understanding of team members and how their personality style affects others
  • Increase in emotional intelligence 
  • A willingness to give more effort for the overall success of the organization 
Helping You Create a Win/Win Outcome For Everyone

Feel Like It’s Time to Make Some Changes, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

You’ve done all you can do, yet to no avail.

Productivity is still not where you’d like it. There is a spirit of apathy among team-members. Conflicts are on the rise. Performance has leveled off.

What can you do?

When you are not even hearing feedback that has solution within it; only more of the same.

You seem to be alone at trying to figure this out. You’ve got to find a way. The stakeholders will not accept an excuse. That is why I was placeed in this position.

But what else can you do when you feel like you’ve exhausted all the options you are aware of?

The good news is that there is something more you can do.

You can talk to someone who can help you find the secret saude that motivates, engages, and inspires your people at all levels to up their game while feeling good doing it.

It’s time for leadership coaching.

What Is Leadership Coaching?

Leadership coaching is an individualized process that builds a leader’s capability to achieve short and long-term organizational goals. Coaching is personalized, customized, usually conducted one-on-one for a defined period of time and with a specific business purpose in mind. It is is a collaborative relationship between a leader and the coach

Benefits of Leadership Coaching?

Better conflict resolution skills

Better stress management skills

Improved interpersonal or communication skills

learning how to manage upwards

Better skilled in managing ones emotions and relationships

Better skilled in decision making, relationship management, and job performance

And so much more ...

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

This is a fair question.

Let me ask you this: Who do you know at the top of their game in the sports world who DO NOT have a coach?

Don’t only take my word for it. Here is what one of the world’s richest person say about coaching:

“Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.”

Do you know who said that?

Bill Gates.

So do you need a coach? I think you know the answer by now and if you don’t let me help you …YES!


Some reasons you need a coach:


You’ve achieved a lot so far, but you need help getting to the next level. When you face major decisions in both your personal and/or professional life,a coach can offer you sound, unbiased guidance.


What untrue ideas do you hold about yourself? Do you consistently tell yourself that you’re not good enough to accomplish your goals? We all have battle scars, but some of us have trouble letting go of past experiences that limit and prevent us from moving forward in life and toward our goals. Coaching can help you process your old beliefs and ideas in ways that allow you to work past these stuck feelings.


Maybe you have a productivity goal, but you lack a clear vision that will help you make that goal a reality. Other uncontrollable factors are also interfering with this outcome. Coaching can help you clarify your goals. A coach will help you hone in on what you truly want, and help you cut down on efforts that aren’t helping your bottom-line.


Feeling unfulfilled at work or in your relationship? You’re not alone. If you’re thinking, “I need help with sorting some of this out,” it’s probably time to find a Coach who can help you clarify your values so you can set meaningful goals for yourself and create an actionable plan. Progress is what you need right now.. This is what a Coach will help you to do: set goals, make an action plan, and consistently provide support along the journey..


Everyone is intimidated from time to time by challenges in their lives. If fear is ever holding you back, take action and learn how to use your beliefs as a force for success. A Coach can help you name your fears and do everything you want and need to do in spite of them. A coach can also help you transform the way you think about your fears today and shift your perspective so that your focus is on emphasizing your positive traits, instead of focusing on limiting beliefs..

My Approach

Honesty. Straightforwardness. Solution Focused. Candid.

These are just four immediate descriptive words that captures my work with you as a client. You need to know that going in.

Here’s what I know: even thoughtful feedback is critical, it’s harder to obtain as leaders advance in their careers. Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons promising careers are derailed as blind spots in critical interpersonal and leadership competencies, goes undiscovered. This can be devastating to the individual and extremely costly to the company.

My approach is the partnership approach.

I realize that the client is the expert in the organization, therefore my job is to collaboratively help him or her become even more of an expert where they are celebrated for their leadership approach.

Some of my coaching methods:

Utilizing data from anonymous surveys to identify behaviors that can be linked with business outcomes.

Using active listening skills to facilitate the conversation in guiding the client to solve his or her own problems.
Helping the client set priorities, anticipate and overcome potential obstacles.
Lead the client out of his or her comfort zone to explore new options.
Provide perspective based upon the coach’s own experiences.
Assist the client with goal setting, action planning.
Recommend resources for personal and professional development
Meet on a regular basis, often with on-the-job “homework” assignments between meetings.
Manage the confidentiality of the coaching partnership. In most cases, the official “client” is the organization who is paying the coaching invoice, yet the true “client” is the individual being coached.


These are just a few of the methods that are used during each coaching session.

How It Works

Schedule a Free 15 Minute Session

This session will be done through Skype, Zoom, or Free Conference Call. It will be more of an introductory call where we will assess your needs, determine if I can help you, and decide on the next step.



Choose a Coaching Plan

Currently there are 3 plans that you can choose from. Each of them have some unique qualities about them. Most people find that the middle plan is sufficient to start and if needs be, upgrade to the bigger plans. 

The good thing about this is that the payment(s) made for a lesser plan, would automatically be applied to the bigger plan. You will be responsible for paying the difference.

Payments can be made on a session by session basis but the best deal is to make it all up front and save. Payments are also made prior to each session.

Reach Your Goals

As much as coaching is a collaborative effort, you will be responsible for doing the work to get the results you are looking for. 

As your coach, you can expect me to hold you accountable for what you agreed to do. 

Getting the outcome you’re looking for is our one aim.

Goals can change as we go through the process, but when they do, you are responsible to clearly communicate the change. This could impact your progress as well as the time-frame agreed upon.

3-Week Coaching Package [SILVER PACKAGE]

Here’s what you’ll get:
  • Three 30-45 Minutes call on a Virtual platform
  • 6 email exchanges (2 per week with one topic per email)  I’ll get back to you within 48 hours
  • Action plan on what your next step will be
  • An Emotional Intelligence (Emotelligence) Report, which will be used as one tool throughout the sessions
  • Mp3 Audio recording of the call
  • 10% Discount on all my future products and trainings etc.


More Details
  • Create clear action steps you can take to move you closer to your goals
  • Uncover any possible obstacles that are contributing factors to you feeling the way you are 
  • Feeling renewed, energized and inspired to pursue your goal(s) more confidently
  • Accountability throughout the process
  • Execute at least one low-risk action step you can take that won’t infringe greatly on your current lifestyle 
*Payments can be one-time with a 10% discount or 3 weekly payments of $335 (*must be paid prior to session)

6-Week Coaching Package [GOLD PACKAGE]

Here’s what to expect:
  • Six 30-45 Minute Virtual Call
  • 12 email exchanges with one topic per email (2 email per week) I’ll get back to you within 48 hours
  • Action plan on knowing what your next step ought to be
  • An Emotional Intelligence (Emotelligence) Report, which will be used as one tool throughout the sessions
  • Mp3 Audio recording of the call
  • 20% Discount on all my future products and trainings etc.


More Details
  • Create clear action steps you can take to move you closer to your goals
  • Uncover any possible obstacles that are contributing factors to you feeling the way you are 
  • Feeling renewed, energized and inspired to pursue your goal(s) more confidently
  • Accountability throughout the process
  • Execute at least one low-risk action step you can take that won’t infringe greatly on your current lifestyle 
Payments can be one-time with a 10% discount or 6 weekly payments of $335 (*must be paid prior to session)

12-Week Coaching Package [PLATINUM]

  • Twelve 30-45 Minutes Call on a Virtual Platform
  • UNLIMITED Email support for the duration of the sessions plus a follow-up email if necessary. (I’ll get back to you within 48 hours) Each email can only include one topic.
  • Action plan on what your next step will be
  • An Emotional Intelligence (Emotelligence) Report, which will be used as one tool throughout the sessions
  • Mp3 Audio recording of the call
  • 20% Discount on all my future products and trainings etc.


More Details
  • Create clear action steps you can take to move you closer to your goals
  • Uncover any possible obstacles that are contributing factors to you feeling the way you are 
  • Feeling renewed, energized and inspired to pursue your goal(s) more confidently
  • Accountability throughout the process
  • Execute at least one low-risk action step you can take that won’t infringe greatly on your current lifestyle  
*Payments can be one-time with a 10% discount or 6 weekly payments of $335 (*must be paid prior to session)

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