Have you ever wondered where some of your team-mates, co-workers, friends or others went?

Having worked in large and medium-size organizations, I’ve seen people come and go. The sad part is that I’ll show up to work one day and that person or those people are no longer there. They “disappeared.”

And even sadder is finding out the reason why they left.

The crazy thing is that they were the best members of the team.

Why did they leave?

In this episode, you’ll discover why the best people leave organizations and as a leader, how to keep that from happening to you.

Here is where you can get your FREE COPY of The Emotelligent Leader: Succeed Where Others Failed – www.kingsleygrant.com/freeleadershipbook

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And remember, you are ONE SKILL AWAY…

P.S. The new Facebook Group is opened for leaders who want to succeed where others failed and become the leader everyone loves and wants to follow. Here’s the link: facebook.com/groups/emotelligentleaders

P.P.S. GET YOUR FREE COPY!!! The Emotelligent Leader is now available for FREE!. Here is where to secure your very own copy: https://kingsleygrant.com/freeleadershipbook

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