Feeling stuck is one of most common phrases that I have encountered as I speak to those who are pursuing building an online business.
I’m not sure if this is also true of other business endeavors. I do know that not making a profit or feeling like business is not progressing is one of the markers that determines whether or not the business continues.
Whenever there’s not a step by step guideline and you have to make it up as you go, it’s not uncommon to hear this sentiment: I’m feeling stuck.
This was my recent experience. I am a content creator for this blog as well as a weekly podcast – The Midlife Launch Podcast.
Producing three shows per week can at times be challenging. One of the ways that I have found helpful is to mix up the production with interviews, which requires editing and shownotes.
When I began feeling stuck I had to do what I sometimes tell my coaching clients. Here are the steps I took that I believe will be helpful to you as well.
Revisit your why
It is important to remember why you are doing what you are doing. Why did you get into this business in the first place?
If you say money, I would strongly encourage you to do a reset. There are times when you will not be making any money and when that happens, then what.
When I revisited my why I was reminded of these three reasons:
- To tell my story
- To teach what I’ve learned and what it is I’m learning
- To give others hope
When I was able to remind myself of these three reasons, I felt recharged and was able to get in production mode.
1. Sharing Your Story
You may have heard that “stories sells, facts tells.” People are into stories because they can relate to it.
Stories is also a very effective way of being able to attract people to what it is you sell or promote.
In telling my story, I want to share how I got started, when I got started and why I got started in turning my passion into profit and financially support my lifestyle business.
You too need to find the angle on your story that you can use to attract the people you want to listen to you. I refer to that as the Re-Storing process, which I help people to do.
2. Share what are you learning or have learned
Documenting what you are learning is critical. You will be able to refer to what works and eliminate what isn’t working. You don’t want to continue doing something that doesn’t bring you the results you are looking for.
I have found that teaching others what you have learned is the best way to remember what you have learned. You become better at understanding and making a part of your longterm memory when you teach others.
Here are some of what I’ve learned and is still learning:
- Online business does not have a straight line but rather zig zags
- Staying true to what you believe in.
- Focus on the process rather than the goal understanding that building a successful business or a business period, takes time and requires much patience.
3. Giving hope
It is so important to remind yourself that you do what you do to help others do the same. It was the late Zig Ziglar who often said: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.”
I truly believe in that principle.
When I am able to tell my story effectively, it gives others hope to know that they too can do what I do and more if they will apply themselves understanding that it will take time.
If you are interested in listening to the audio version of this article, you can find it here.
I would love to hear your take on these ideas I’ve shared. Would you take a moment and leave a comment below and take a moment to check out my coaching service to see if we would be a good fit.