Many midlife professionals are hesitant to start an online business for a number of reasons. One of the main one that I hear from time to time is not being technologically inclined.

5 Reasons To Start Online BusinessFor the most part I understand this “fear.”

A few years ago, I was that midlife professional.

I heard a lot about the internet and what it was able to do in terms of getting one’s message out to the masses or connecting with people around the world.

Not being too familiar with the internet other than for research, I tiptoed around the idea. I didn’t know where to start, so I simply hid behind not being technologically inclined.

Having made enough excuses, I decided to learn. I asked questions, looked for blogs and videos that would teach me how to go about getting comfortable using the internet for uses other than research. I wanted to know what so many were talking about especially when it came to doing some kind of business online.

To make a long story short, I attended workshops and conferences that focused on social media. I immersed myself into that world until I was comfortable with some of the applications that would benefit me. I’m still not an expert but I now know a whole lot more than I knew before and help those who might not know as much as I do.

Here are 5 reasons why you need to get used to the internet and other social media platforms so that you can start your own online business.

1. Location independence

I don’t know about you, but being able to travel as often as I like, is something that is important to me. Having the ability to work from anywhere as long as I have wifi and my laptop or iPad, is what I’m pursuing. An online business affords me to be location independent.

2. Exposure to the masses

Where else are you able to have the ability to connect with as many people as humanly possible? It is impossible to do so without the internet.

3. No need for a brick and mortar building

There are some businesses that need to have a physical building from which to operate. This means overhead cost for operation. With an online business where there’s no need for physical products, eliminates the need for brick and mortar building. Even when there are products being sold, there are ways to do that without a physical building.

4. Freedom to spend your time as you choose to

This is what one of the perks and one that I love; being able to spend time the way I want, where I want, how I want and with whom I want. This is the ultimate. What other business afford you this “luxury?” I know there are exceptions.

Please do not think that when this is happening, work is put on hold. No, quite the contrary. You are able to work when you want as stated above and then carve out time to spend time doing the things you love to do.

5. The low-cost entry

This is priceless … being able to start a business online for less than two hundred dollars. The basic requirements are having a website, somewhere to host the site, an email host and possibly purchasing a premium theme for your website where it automatically adjusts when viewed on a small device such as a phone.

I will share more on how to do this in a future post.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Share with my your thought below as well as any questions you might have. Let me know what you would like to know more about in future posts.



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