This episode is Part 2 of a 2-part series that was recorded with Jen McDonough aka The Iron Jen. As you listen you will hear Jen talks about how she and her husband was able to pay off $212,000 in debt. She gives some very practical advice on the process. Jen also talks about how her self-awareness and having an Olympian mindset has helped her entrepreneurial journey.
Jen is also an 8-time national weightlifter and 2-time US Olympic Festival medal winner as well as an Ironman triathlete. All three of her books have hit Amazon’s Top 100 categories including her book 5 Minutes a Day to Living Beyond Rich which hit #1 under Amazon’s budgeting category.
My new book: “The Midlifepreneur: Make Your Dreams Come True Without Risking Everything” is now available on Amazon both in the Kindle Version and Print Version.
Quote Of The Week:
In This Particular Episode, Jen shares about:
1. Understanding her husband personality and making the necessary adjustments
2. The reconciliation process
3. Saying no so she can say yes
4. How to eliminate certain things from your life to become successful at what you do
5. And much more …
Jen also share some additional personal stories to the ones she shared in Episode 016. Make sure you leave a comment in the space provided below. She would love to hear your thoughts on what you’ll be doing to create your olympian mindset.
Book mentioned:
A Happier Living That Lasts More Than A Day ~ by Kingsley Grant
Links mentioned:
Free Chapter “Make Your Dream Come True Without Risking Everything – The Midlifepreneur”
DiSC Personality Profile Assessment ~ is the place to contact her
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